A recent news story on NBC features the work of UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) and makes the sad assertion that the Central African Republic is the worst place in the world to be a child.
Perhaps some might object saying there are at least a few worst places in the world to be a kid, but bottom line is that the C.A.R. is definitely on the shortlist.
Watch the NBC story: Caught in the Crossfire (10-min.).
The Charis Church in the C.A.R. – 2,000+ churches and 300,000 members strong – is a huge resource. Mobilized and equipped, they have been and will continue to be a strong blessing to this struggling population, increasing quality of life through Christian community, faith, as well as its outreach activities and other programs.
This year, 43 Hand in Hand schools are blessing 2000+ orphans in the C.A.R.
One such local church program is called Hand in Hand Orphan Schools. In contrast to the bleak backdrop presented in the NBC story, these schools are brightening every corner where they are. And Encompass is doing what we can to ensure that this powerful program’s future remains bright.
What we need most right now is your prayers.
- PRAY for wisdom and for the ability to see with fresh eyes whatever changes should be made to ensure these schools have a sustainable future regardless of what is happening on the national level.
- PRAY that God will raise up the funding and workers to carry on the North American side of this ministry.